It was my first shift last night.I mean, ive done it before, little bits here and there, but that was the first time I went for engagement rather than just self indulgence.It was a lot more fun than I was expecting!I got to meet a bunch of new people, I make a couple new friends…I was a little surprised by how easily i got frustrated with myself during set up, but as soon as the camera was on and the stream live, I felt pretty good.tonight, unfortunately, Ive got some server admin to take care of… rather dull stuff…Has anyone ever tried to stream sys-admin?I wonder if that would work….ah, probably not.TTYL-A Foxter ??
Luciano Evans: Hi!
Hello guys, I want to tell you about my experience on this wonderful place, and about how all of you have made me feel, my dear users, I love you, I love the shared time, the help you give me on each visit, how incredible that make me feel In each show, I do everything with passion, dedication and love all a lot Follow our process together, with a lot of Luciano love
Roy Broown: My Day to Day
Good morning, awake today as every day. Trying to see everything with positivism and enthusiasm, and I am. Not because I want to, but because all my life I have considered myself an optimist and boy, do you need to be optimistic on this earth. Well, I prepare my breakfast and take a seat in my chair next to the window. Fortunately I live on the 5th floor and I have a beautiful view of my city. I sit to contemplate it and think how great I want to be in this journey of life, I don’t know if I have enough time but I keep the illusion… that little moment is my gasoline day by day, imagine a full life with my family, full of laughter, without monetary worries, a life where we can create many memories together… but everything has a price and my price I’m paying now. Then I go to train as usual, I love to train and have the satisfaction of seeing how every day my body looks better, I love to look good and feel that I look good. Besides, the mood benefits of working out is another thing I enjoy. I come home and prepare my lunch and dinner while listening to salsa romantica. I have to do it, otherwise . It would be hard to cook lol. After lunch, I get ready to go online. After dedicating my day to you, the night comes and that would be my social life. Yeah, and I get to thinking. At what point did my work become my social life? I don’t know… I eat dinner and take my breath again… and think again, over and over again. Fortunately I am my only and best company . That’s what I want to believe. Good night ?
Izzi: August Cam Marathon
Now that summit contests are finally over. I’m making my way back to cam for a crazy August Marathon. Expect to see me more often. Sorry for the ghost month in July. I just needed some silence. Thanks guys for understanding my cycles !!
Roy Broown: Lonely Man , Chapter 1 – Im Roy Brown
I introduce myself, you can call me Roy and this is my story. A story that has just begun. Everything happens for a reason, even the wrong decisions are part of the plan. What plan? A divine plan? I don’t know… why am I sitting here today writing this and wanting to remember my path as if I were someone special? why? my ego? depression? Mmm no, I just want to be understood and I can find it in a homophobic person? a toxic person? false friends? or an ignorant family? Mmm neither… now I’ve grown up, nothing is like it used to be and now I have to accept it…. Accept what, accept that I am the karma my progenitor is paying for? Accept that my progenitora is toxic not because she wants to but because she was taught to be? Accept that those friends are just a learning train? Or accept that my family is ignorant for having beliefs ingrained throughout their lives? Yes… I have to accept it and for me it was a great disappointment. Now I find my loneliness, navigating in the deepest of my memories, asking that omnipresent being for wisdom to be a better person day by day and to be able to guide the people who need me because I understood that it is not their fault to be the way they are and that I can’t change them either….