Baxter Dex: Lower Body Wednesday

wow what a busy day. in the morning prepare a big breakfast. I knew that a strong training session was waiting for me… my trainer came for me and I was not ready yet. I was washing my clothes and finishing breakfast. He helped me to finish faster. It was starting to get hot and we managed to get to the gym early. We start stretching and warming up the legs. We continue with the femorals. quadriceps. buttocks . finally we conclude with deadlift and calf extension. my legs were shaking like i had my ohmibod in my butt. I could hardly walk. But I had to go to the mall. to consult something in the bank.. the turn was eternal. I was so hungry and I was sitting waiting for 15 people to call before my OMFG.. I came home and ate a lot I wanted to start my broadcast but the internet connection was unstable. Now I’m going to bed to rest. I had a nice shower.. see you

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Miguel Zambrano: Epicteto

Just as the Sun does not wait for prayers and incantations to rise, but shines and is well received by all: so do not wait to clap and shout and praise to do your duty; no, do good of your own free will, and you will be loved like the Sun.Asi como el Sol no espera que las oraciones y conjuros se levanten, sino que resplandece y es bien recibido por todos: asi que tu tampoco esperes aplaudir y gritar y alabar para cumplir con tu deber; no, haz el bien por tu propia voluntad, y seras amado como el Sol.

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Baxter Dex: It Was a Great Monday.

I really love sharing everything with you. my friends. we had fun. They made me vibrate and they almost made me sweat… even though I did sweat in the gym while training. now finish preparing my dinner. I really enjoy cooking. even more in the process of muscle growth. I’m going to take a foam bath and then go to bed to rest. by the way.. (I always rest naked in my bed).. 😉

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Roro Pumper: Newbie – Get to Know Me!

This is the first time I am doing this live. I’m an IT Manager / Private Consultant, Technology is my passion – but deep down I always wanted to be a porn star. Society and cultural norm is what stopped me from doing porn. For now, I like solo play. I am a huge voyeur fan. I love to jerk off and can do it for hours at a time. Sometimes I am even late to events because I haven’t released a big load. I hate wanting to release and not being able to do it. I tend to jerk off everywhere I can possibly do it! My ethnicity is usually a mystery for most – I am Indian but South American Indian or "West Indian" – I was born and raised in Queens , NYC- but my family originates from a country not many folks know of – "Guyana" – Its a hidden gem, Definitely google it if you can and view some images- you will be surprised!

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Boreas Delgado: Starting the Week

Today I connected late hahahaha, last night I went to bed late, I was watching a documentary about dolphins hahahaha, and today I got up running because the alarm clock didn’t go off.I took a quick shower and had to down my super hot morning coffee, nearly burned my mouth, and when I realized I didn’t have any cigarettes, I still don’t.I hope this week is super productive, and that I don’t get bored at any time.

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